Intern Trainee - Public Health & Human Services
Kind of Work
The Intern Trainee classification is used to provide internship placements for students who seek a practical work experience in their academic field of study.
Interns will work alongside of and learn from talented and dedicated human service professionals, while exploring careers in public service and the diverse programs and services provided within St. Louis County.
Internship will run June through August 2025.
Distinguishing Features of Work
We currently have internship opportunities in the following locations and divisions. You will be able to select your preferred division(s) and location(s) in the supplemental questions section of the application.
Duluth - Child Care Benefit Recovery - Child Foster Care
This internship offers the opportunity to assist child foster care licensors with recruitment and retention of child foster care providers. This individual needs to be able to work collaboratively with foster parents and child protection workers, balance the roles of support and accountability, be a good communicator, have great organizational skills, and strong documentation in accordance with state law. The position also includes working with children in out-of-home placements, the juvenile court system (CHIPS), and inter-agency and community resources and services. Duties may include specific tasks and projects, attending staff meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes, etc.
Duluth - Child Protection - Indian Child Welfare
This internship offers the opportunity to assist Indian Child Welfare child protection social workers in areas of concurrent permanency planning and child protection services for families in accordance with state and federal law. The position also includes working with children in out-of-home placements, juvenile court system (CHIPS), and interagency and community resources and services. Duties may include specific tasks assigned by social workers such as transporting of clients, attending staffing meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes, etc.
Duluth - Behavioral Health - Assertive Community Treatment
This internship offers the opportunity to work with Assertive Community Treatment. ACT is a multidisciplinary team that includes: Team Leader, Psychiatrists, Nurses, Case Managers, Financial Worker, Substance Use Disorder Specialist, Vocational Specialist, Therapist, and Peer Specialist. The program is an intensive treatment program for individuals with serious and persistent mental illness; with an emphasis on those experiencing psychosis. We engage in psychiatric rehabilitation and assist or support our consumers in meeting their daily living needs. Most of our services are provided in-home or other community locations. Duties may include specific tasks assigned by the team leader, including attending daily staffing meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes/documentation, providing transportation, and providing support and services to people living in the community.
Duluth - Behavioral Health - Transitional Assertive Community Treatment
This internship offers the opportunity to assist social workers who work with adults with serious and persistent mental health in the community. This group uses a team approach to help people live and work as independently as possible in the community. You will learn about Assertive Community Treatment teams and the way they operate in MN and SLC. You will work with community partners who are on the team providing nursing, psychiatry, peer support and co-occurring specialists. You will assist individuals in gaining access to needed educational, health, legal, medical, social, vocation, and other services and supports. Duties may include specific tasks assigned by social workers such as transporting clients, attending staffing meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes, etc.
Virginia - Behavioral Health - Assertive Community Treatment
This internship offers the opportunity to work with Assertive Community Treatment. (TACT) is a multidisciplinary team that includes Team Leader, Psychiatrists, Nurses, Case Managers, Financial Worker, Substance Use Disorder Specialist, Vocational Specialist, Therapist, Peer Specialist, and liaison Probation Officer. The program is an intensive treatment program for individuals aged 18-30 with serious and persistent mental illness; with an emphasis on those experiencing psychosis. We engage in psychiatric rehabilitation and assist or support our consumers in meeting their daily living needs. Most of our services are provided in-home or other community locations. Duties may include specific tasks assigned by the team leader, including attending daily staffing meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes/documentation, providing transportation, and providing support and services to people living in the community.
Virginia and Hibbing - Behavioral Health - Adult Mental Health
This internship offers the opportunity to assist adult mental health social workers in areas of targeted case management and pre-petition screenings for civil commitments. The position will work to support individuals with serious and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who are voluntarily or at times, court ordered, to participate in targeted case management services. Targeted case management assisted individuals in gaining access to needed educational, health, legal, medical, social, vocation, and other services and supports. This assistance is provided through assessment, planning, referral, and monitoring/coordination. Duties may include specific tasks assigned by social workers such as transporting of clients, attending staffing meetings, making referrals to community resources, keeping case notes, etc.
Selection Process
- Applicants must be a Junior, Senior or Graduate student in social work, psychology, sociology, or other human services related four year degree program; OR, must have graduated from a related four year degree program within the last six months.
- Applicants must possess a valid driver's license.
Please Note: Preference given to students actively pursuing a Master's Degree in Social Work.
- February 10, 2025 - Applicant screening will begin
- Week of March 10, 2025 - Interviews to be conducted